Murphy's law kicked in and we lost Shore Power on Thursday afternoon right after returning from my follow-up appoint from my cataract surgery. Of course that meant no A/C on the hottest muggiest days we've had. Spent the next 2 days getting someone to come out and diagnose the problem. RV Anywhere was finally able to come on Saturday morning ($60 service call, $75 hourly rate) and they determined it was my automatic transfer switch. They didn't have one available nor do they work the weekends except for emergencies. We couldn't take the heat anymore so we ran the generator Saturday and Sunday night so we could have A/C again. Our neighbors here in Smith's Fork park were very sympathetic and didn't complain about the generator running all night. In the meantime, I researched automatic transfer switch boxes since the maker of ours was no longer in business. I also called my friend Bill Boyce to talk about temporarily wireing the Shore Power directly into the motorhome instead of going through the switch box. After working up the nerve to tackle the job ( I hate messing with electric) I visited the hardware this morning and got 3 heavy duty copper lugs for tying the wire directly and bypassing the switch altogether. It worked, and I didn't even ZAP myself!! We are running our A/C on Shore Power now, although we can no longer use the generator as it still goes through the switch. Ordered a new switch box from Amazon and it should be here by the end of the week or so. Will have T & M mobile services put the new box in when it comes. They do most of my RV work when I'm in town. Your RV is just like your house, it needs a lot of TLC!!