Well we didn't stay the entire night at the riverside park with the trains. About 12:30am the 'Train from Hell" arrived, the biggest, baddest, loudest, longest train you ever did see. It put us over the edge and we moved to Walmart parking lot. Just as we were settling down to sleep the street sweeper started going up and down the parking lot. He was followed by I swear a weed eater doing all the little parking islands in the middle of the night. Eventually they all got tired and went home and we got some sleep. Next morning we were back at the riverside park because it is so centrally located to the downtown and has RV parking. Next up was our first try at exercising on the road. We had a 20lb weight and a little roller wheel to work out our abs. Dagmar and I did many of our normal exercises but it will need some refining as the trip goes on. Later that morning I went off to play in a horseshoe tournament. The previous evening during our bike riding we saw a group of men in the park pitching horseshoes. We stopped to talk and we found out they were practicing for a tournament to be held the following morning in the park. They invited us to participate and it sounded to me as something fun to try. The entry fee was just $5 and you pick your pardner out of hat. When I got there about 11:30 quite a few people were already there and we got started around 12:30pm. My pardner was Ted, a retired 'brakeman' from the Burlington railroad. He was somewhere north of 70 years old and was able to throw from the 30 foot line because of his age. We did well enough splitting our 6 'round robbin' matches but that still put us in 4th place, just out of the money. Luckily I bought 2 tickets to what they called the 50/50 which was a drawing for each flight. When the called '107' my number I couldn't believe it, because I always loose at this stuff, but today was my exception. My $2 investment returned $28, more than enough to cover my expenses with some left over for a couple of brats for Dagmar and I that we purchased from a local vendor. Later that evening we decided to pull out and head for Springfield, Il. and spend the night there in you guessed it, the local Walmart.
Not the 'Train from Hell' but one like it! |
Doing her lunges around the RV |
Some of the men and women in the tournament |
My good form and follow-thru |
My partner, Ted |
Figuring who plays who next |
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