Heading home for Kansas City a couple of weeks early. Got an early morning call that my Dad was in the hospital and not doing to well. They were going to have to put him on a ventilator because he was having trouble breathing. He's just not being doing well since he was operated on in January for colon cancer, even though that operation was successful. So on Thursday he went into the hospital by ambulance because he was having trouble swallowing and his bowels were messed up. After a CAT scan they determined that he had another small stroke. So they decided to feed him through a tube. That's when he really had trouble breathing as well, so they put him on the ventilator. This morning they did another MRI on him and determined that one lung was just about collapsed and filling up with fluids. So it turns out that the real culprit is pneumonia!! At his age, about 2 out of 3 survive a bout like this. Dad's always been a fighter, when it comes to his health, and I'm sure he will come out of this as well. After he does he will be very, very weak and need a lot of time and rehabilitation to get his strength back. We were able to pack up and leave Tucson by 10 am this morning with the help of our good friends Bill & Shirley Boyce. We've made it to the Elks Club in Alamogordo, New Mexico, a bit over 340 miles, where we have full hookups. At least another 2 days on the road before we get to KC.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Heading home for Kansas City a couple of weeks early.
Heading home for Kansas City a couple of weeks early. Got an early morning call that my Dad was in the hospital and not doing to well. They were going to have to put him on a ventilator because he was having trouble breathing. He's just not being doing well since he was operated on in January for colon cancer, even though that operation was successful. So on Thursday he went into the hospital by ambulance because he was having trouble swallowing and his bowels were messed up. After a CAT scan they determined that he had another small stroke. So they decided to feed him through a tube. That's when he really had trouble breathing as well, so they put him on the ventilator. This morning they did another MRI on him and determined that one lung was just about collapsed and filling up with fluids. So it turns out that the real culprit is pneumonia!! At his age, about 2 out of 3 survive a bout like this. Dad's always been a fighter, when it comes to his health, and I'm sure he will come out of this as well. After he does he will be very, very weak and need a lot of time and rehabilitation to get his strength back. We were able to pack up and leave Tucson by 10 am this morning with the help of our good friends Bill & Shirley Boyce. We've made it to the Elks Club in Alamogordo, New Mexico, a bit over 340 miles, where we have full hookups. At least another 2 days on the road before we get to KC.
David Liem
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Thanks for the update Dave. Let us know if there's anything more we can do. Best to everyone.
David, you are in my prayers. Remember God is with you. You just have to let Him in. love you both with all my heart. Keep me informed. Paula
Bill & Shirley, how was stargazing on Mt. Lemmon last night?
Thanks Paula for your thoughts!
We hope everything goes well. You well be in our thoughts and prayers.
The star gazing program was one of those that it takes awhile to digest everything that he threw at us. We saw galaxies nebula and stars in who knows what else in this specially dedicated 32 inch telescope inside one of those domed buildings. The first impression was that we'd are near froze to death., 43 degrees inside the dome.
Good thing you remembered to take all your winter clothes!
The program was five hours long and chock full of information. It would be good to do this again to kind of get the full flavor of it. He will be emailing us pictures of what we actually saw that came off of the telescope. Adam develop this program and it's the only one like it in the country. He was so enthusiastic. He is renowned as a photographer of the different planets stars in whatever. He showed us his work in several different publications.
Adam warned us to take 10 inches of insulation. We took about 2 inches! And so did everybody else on the tour.
Thank you so much for setting up this program. Will have to do it again next year.
give Bob an Kiss from me!! <3 <3 <3
Great news! We are in New Mexico getting close to Santa Rosa. Have done
about 450 miles of the 1200. Hugs to all!
You're getting close to Billy the Kid country however that south of where you want to be. Are you going to go through Oklahoma City or keep north on 54? Just got back from the desert ride there were seven of us and they tore up the roads down by the ranch so are we turned around there we didn't get to the ranch it's a mess down there. We took the key to your key back and got the $10 for it. I'll take the modem over after I take a shower.
Its about 8pm and we are outside of Amarillo, Tx at a Safety Rest Area. We
will spend the night here and head out early in the morning. We are going
the Oklahoma City. Thanks for taking care of the mail. Tired;;;been a long
day of driving.
Amarillo, TX, armpit of the world. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled to the south of I-40 for Cadillac Ranch. It's about 10 miles west of Amarillo in a field. Worth a quick stop (lots of room to park) to run the dogs out to the cars stuck in the ground. (Best part of Amarillo) If you have some spray paint, take it with you and do your art work on the cars. Better relief than popping bubble wrap!
Had dinner at China View then drove 19 miles to Kino Park Way and 22nd to drop off our Oregon income tax payment. The post office on Houghton and Rita Road was closed.
Talked to Norma today. Bud Hunt got smacked on the noggin with a rock about a mile below the rim on their way out of the Grand Canyon the other day. Bled like a stuck pig. Has 3 staples to seal the cut. Had a towel wrapped around his head with an ice pack on it when they went for beer! May go on the hike tomorrow to somewhere.
Take care and drive safe!
Made it home to KC today. Got to see my Dad this evening...he looked good and he looked bad. Have to wait and see. Son Phillip, came to sit with us in the hospital on the first night. Violet, his wife, was there, through thick and thin. My brother Chuck, his wife, Cathy and son Michael and his kids were all there. Who knows how it will all go down?! But, the family gathers....
Whew! Good going you guys. Glad you were able to visit. We're pulling for all of you.
Glad you made it safe. Hope you have quality time with your family. Your in our prayers.
Thank you all. Just going day by day now. Doctors were not happy today.
Waiting in the hospital for Dad to be taken off the ventilator. Hopefully he will be able to breathe on his own again.
Hope this works. We're thinking about you guys all the time.
We are thinking of you at this critical time and hoping the best for your dad.
Breathing well without help. Not swallowing very well. Saliva pooling in his throat and will drown him if he doesn't get his swallow back.
Cold in KC only 39 degrees! ! You Arizona people are lucky! !
I hope everything is going ok for you guys. I am praying everyday for you all. Call anytime if you need to talk. Love you both.. Paula
David, your dad is a strong man.. God Bless him. Paula
Good to hear that your dad has his breathing back now its just to get the swallowing down again. It was only 68 right now at the Voyager at 4:30 in the afternoon. The two day cold spell is supposed to snap today and be end of the 80's again tomorrow. Hope the wind doesn't kick up like it has been.
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