We made the 100 mile loop drive from Fruita back to the Grand Mesa andthe over the top.
We made the 100 mile loop drive from Fruita back to the Grand Mesa and the over the top. Just another one of the spectacular journeys we're beginning to expect here in Colorado. Grand Mesa is the largest flat topped mountain anywhere in the world. We passed a sign that said 10, 500 feet but I think its highest point is over 11,000 feet.
I was going to ask if you took that rode with the 300 switchbacks on it back down to the valley. But I see you did. We did not do that as we were heading towards Denver so we retraced our steps back to the first intersection that went to the right part way down the mountain and drove 70 miles on dirt roads or gravel roads good gravel roads hi until we finally got back to I 70. It is spectacular for sure! And to think that the ancient Indians actually formed up there and the only place that they could get water was like down with that lake is down at the bottom. It's a long way to haul a bucket of water.
I was going to ask if you took that rode with the 300 switchbacks on it back down to the valley. But I see you did. We did not do that as we were heading towards Denver so we retraced our steps back to the first intersection that went to the right part way down the mountain and drove 70 miles on dirt roads or gravel roads good gravel roads hi until we finally got back to I 70. It is spectacular for sure! And to think that the ancient Indians actually formed up there and the only place that they could get water was like down with that lake is down at the bottom. It's a long way to haul a bucket of water.
The great explorers. Love the scenery and videos.
Kathi Dell Thanks, when will YOU start exploring??
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