Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Scanning old pictures into the computer so you might see a few 'blastsof the past'.

Scanning old pictures into the computer so you might see a few 'blasts of the past'. Anybody have memories of this event?


Susie Lawler said...

Thank you David!!  Can that really have been 30 years ago?!

Susan Jacobs said...

Here's a good memory that I'm sure you ALL can relate to. Bob had me drive, knowing that driving over a bridge would cause me to literally shake and freak-out. Often I would go way out of the way to avoid bridges or if I was the passenger I would close my eyes and hold my breathe.  Well this road trip Bob thought I needed to over come my fears and not only did he insist that I drive over the bridge, with an OCEAN below, but I was driving the Chevy Van. I asked 2 -3 times to PLEASE LET ME PULL OVER, I CANT BREATHE!! He said NO!
UGH!  It was still a few years later before I could go over a bridge, I think the Branson vacations helped that  :).
Thank you for posting this beautiful pic
See you soon

Kathi Dell said...

I do remember the event but thought it was in Iowa? No?

David Liem said...

Yes, Waterloo, Iowa.
At Holzapfel's house.