Friday, April 19, 2013

Dad is still breathing well, but his swallowing has still not returned.

Dad is still breathing well, but his swallowing has still not returned. He also hasn't had anything to eat for about a week, although he was fed with a feeding tube while he was on the ventilator. His stomach/bowels were not processing the food that was being fed to him. Going to try a tube down his nose and hope his bowels start working soon.


David Liem said...

They were unable to get the feeding tube down Dad's nose, yesterday. Either it was too painful for him or he just didn't want it, not sure which. Waiting for word from family members at the hospital this morning about Dad's condition and options this morning, after they speak with the physicians.

David Liem said...

Just talked with Violet at the hospital. Dad was not breathing well during the night. Had to put an oxygen mask on him this morning. He is resting now. He was bleeding in his throat from having had so many tubes down it. Have to start thinking about making him comfortable, as he can't swallow and his breathing has gotten worse again.

David Liem said...

At the hospital, Dad has been taken off all the machines except a little oxygen. Also he has been given medicine to make him comfortable. His breathing is very shallow now.