Friday, May 24, 2013

Looks like this might be useful as I get more and more photos onGoogle+.

Looks like this might be useful as I get more and more photos on Google+.


Bill Boyce said...

Give it a go!

David Liem said...

I did, it works!!

Mark DeShon said...

Thank you Dave. That was interesting and potentially puts a different spin
on 'Big Brother' for those of us who may ascribe to that perspective. It is
also another aspect of Big Data Analytics that would have several
applications - not least of which would be crime prevention and crime
solving when you consider all of the municipal digital cameras that exist in
tandem with all of the commercial security digital cameras that are
installed and running 24/7.

Mark DeShon | 913-638-3585 (mobile) | <****@**>

David Liem said...

Yes let's hope it's just big brother not big bad brother!!