Monday, May 6, 2013

We've discovered the same things in our travels.

We've discovered the same things in our travels. Trailer parks are very vital communities for Seniors. While they are not really suited for families with children, because the trailers are too small and there is not enough land for kids to play, they are well suited to the older, active, social community that Seniors are seeking. It's a very long article but worth the read!


Bill Boyce said...

I was in Sweden a few years ago and saw that they do not have large houses.Most people over there live in small houses and have to go to the market every day for groceries. I grew up in a very small house (about 450-500 square foot house with 2 brothers) and so did my wife (a 12' trailer with her brother and mother). So, the park model trailers are not too tiny for us. We just haven't stopped traveling yet! 

There will always be people have not planned for their retirement years and get caught when it is time to stop working. A large house is not a necessity as far as we are concerned. 

David Liem said...

Yes, I better understand the European lifestyle. Our US with it's big homes on big pieces of land with room for all the toys may not be the way to go. It's hard to engender community when the emphasis is on privacy. In the younger years when the kids are around the lifestyle is palatable, but later after they leave, it can be tough. That may be the reason so many parents follow their kids to new places or end up as babysitters to their grandchildren. Their families have become there only friends.

Bill Boyce said...

That last sentence makes a great point. With that I'm going to go for a bike ride. Have a great day!

David Liem said...

Dagmar's getting ready for a bike ride as well. I will stay with Oma this evening, she is still jet lagging.

Bill Boyce said...

nothing a little ouzo wouldn't help. Here's to you!

Bill Boyce said...

Road 27 miles. Came down off of Hawes Road and could only make 15 miles per hour into the wind! A good workout though...

Bill Boyce said...

By the way, you are only supposed to get jet lag going east. No, it never worked for me that way either.

David Liem said...

You're right Ouzo can help most anything!!

Bill Boyce said...

Bottoms Up! Time for me to go play water volleyball. Bye!