Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back to the Dunes 9/19/10

We couldn't get enough of the Dunes so we headed back, wanting to complete the 3 mile round trip hike to Lake Michigan. The landscape was so foreign to us we felt that we could have been walking on the moon. We dubbed it the Dunescape!! It was physically challenging even though the temperature was only in the mid 70's. We were so glad that we had worked out at the gym at home, because this hike required some real thigh muscle power! Some returned early and shook their heads at us, saying that it was just too far. But some people we met encouraged us to go on till the end, and that it was worth it! Needless to say, we made it and had a wonderful lunch of apple and cheese right at the beach. Unfortunately I (David) lost our camera when I was running down one of the dune hills on the way there. It must have flown out, and even though we retraced our steps we couldn't find it. It will probably be found by some future hiker, maybe 1000 years in the future. I can't imagine what he/she will make of it. Anyway, all of these pictures are all from my camera phone.


Arriving at the Lake after 1 1/2 hr hike through sand

Distant freighter heading for the ocean

Miles and Miles of Pristine Beach

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